Brewer's Best Watermelon Wheat

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Brewer's Best Watermelon Wheat Beer Ingredient Starter Kit. Does not contain alcohol or any ingredients that contain alcohol. We've used a classic wheat beer recipe for the backbone of this brew and given it a twist of fruit by adding Brewer's Best® Natural Watermelon Flavoring. Keeping all the attributes of wheat beer you love while finishing with a touch of watermelon flavor and aroma. AAAHH-refreshing! Yield: 5 Gallons. Everything you need to craft your best brew is here. We start with fresh ingredients to maintain flavor as well as easy-to-follow recipes measured to perfection. Contains: Malt Extract Syrup Specialty Grains* Hops Yeast Spices & Flavorings* Grain Bag* Priming Sugar Bottle Caps Instructions *if the recipe requires. Brewing equipment required but not included. Ingredient kit makes 5 gallons.

  • Watermelon Wheat Ingredient Kit

  • Beer starter kit includes ingredients necessary for home brewing

  • Great for beginning beer makers

  • This Kit does not contain alcohol